Lean muscle mass - Renewal Hormone Center

What is lean muscle mass?

Lean muscle mass is an important concept in fitness and health. In simple terms, lean muscle refers to the weight of your muscles without including fat or water weight. Having more lean muscle provides many benefits:

How to Build Lean Muscle

Resistance Training Lifting weights provides the stimulus for lean muscle growth. Focus on compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, rows, presses. Train each muscle group at least 2x per week.

Protein Intake Consuming adequate protein gives your body the amino acids it needs to synthesize new muscle tissue. Shoot for 0.5-1 gram per pound of body weight daily.

Recovery Muscles grow during the rest and recovery periods between training sessions. Support recovery with 8 hours of sleep nightly.

"Signs that you may need professional support for healthy testosterone levels, which aid lean muscle building in both men and women include low energy, excess body fat, poor recovery from exercise, low libido or sexual dysfunction. The medical providers at Renewal Hormone Center specialize in treatment plans customized to your unique health goals."

If you're struggling to build lean muscle through diet and exercise alone, hormonal factors may be at play. Testosterone promotes lean muscle growth in both men and women. But levels can decrease due to age, stress or undereating.

Symptoms like low energy, weight gain centered around the abdomen despite diet and exercise efforts, poor recovery from workouts and low libido or sexual dysfunction can indicate low testosterone. When identified, hormone issues can be addressed through customized treatment plans. The caring medical team at Renewal Hormone Center specializes in helping patients optimize their wellness through evidence-based hormone therapies.


Building lean, metabolism-boosting muscle takes commitment to smart training, nutrition and rest. But sometimes, an underlying issue like low testosterone can sabotage your efforts. If so, the caring medical staff at Renewal Hormone Center can help identify issues through lab testing and create a tailored treatment plan suited to your unique health goals.

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