How can I lose weight in menopause? - Renewal Hormone Center

Menopause can make losing weight more challenging due to hormonal changes that often lead to decreased metabolism, loss of muscle mass, increased belly fat storage, and cravings. However, weight loss is still achievable with lifestyle changes and potentially hormone therapy if appropriate. Effective strategies include:

Renewal Hormone Center specializes in customized bioidentical hormone therapy and lifestyle counseling for menopausal women struggling with weight loss, energy crashes, hot flashes and other symptoms. Schedule a consultation today to analyze your hormone panel and determine the optimal hormone balancing plan to reclaim your health and feel like yourself again! Some key takeaways: Eat less and move more - Intentional calorie deficit through nutrition change and building muscle via strength training Get hormones tested & consider treatment - Hormone imbalance hinders weight loss efforts Reduce stress & get quality sleep - High cortisol worsens belly fat storage Be patient & consistent - Menopause makes weight loss harder, but staying disciplined with your plan is key I'm happy to clarify or expand on any part of the answer if needed! Please let me know if you would like me to modify anything.

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