How long does it take to lose weight on HRT? - Renewal Hormone Center

The time it takes to lose weight on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can vary quite a bit from person to person. However, most people begin to see some weight loss in the first 3-6 months after starting HRT. Key factors that influence weight loss on HRT:

What to expect with weight loss from feminizing HRT: Breast growth - Fat will redistribute to breasts. This is not loss of body fat, but important feminization. Subcutaneous fat increase - Fat under skin increases all over body, especially hips and thighs. Helps create softer, feminine contours. Visceral fat loss - HRT reduces dangerous belly/organ fat that drives inflammation and metabolic issues. Muscle loss - Some loss of muscle mass and definition occurs as testosterone drops. Light strength training helps prevent excessive loss. You can expect to lose 1-3 pounds per month on average from body fat reduction. Be patient through temporary plateaus. The longer you progress with HRT, the more pronounced fat redistribution and weight loss become. Renewal Hormone Center Transgender Hormone Therapy At Renewal Hormone Center, we specialize in transgender hormone therapy and guiding patients through safe, effective transition. Our clinicians help patients achieve maximum feminization and fat loss results. We offer: Contact us today for a free consultation. We are dedicated to helping you reach your transition goals through expert hormone therapy.

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