Does HGH help with sleep? - Renewal Hormone Center

Human growth hormone (HGH) is a peptide hormone that stimulates growth, cell reproduction, and cell regeneration. As we age, our bodies produce less HGH, which can lead to poor sleep quality. Some key points about HGH and sleep:

So in summary, maintaining adequate HGH levels can benefit sleep in a few key ways:

Does Taking HGH Improve Sleep?

There is evidence that HGH therapy can benefit sleep in those with growth hormone deficiency. Several studies have shown:

However, the benefits seem most apparent for those with clinically diagnosed growth hormone deficiency.

For healthy adults with normal HGH levels, the benefits for sleep may be limited. More research is still needed on using HGH as a sleep aid.

Some additional points:

If you struggle with poor sleep, consult a medical provider to determine if HGH therapy is appropriate. A sleep study can determine if growth hormone deficiency is an underlying cause.

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